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What is TUI AG share price?

It has a market capitalisation of £2.97b, with approximately 507.43m shares in issue. Over the last year, TUI AG share price has been traded in a range of 304.70, hitting a high of 685.50, and a low of 380.80. TUI plc is a British multinational travel company headquartered in London.

Are tui shares available on the London Stock Exchange?

TUI shares being German securities are not available for trading directly on the London Stock Exchange. In this context TUI issues a substitute called Depositary Interests (DIs) instead. One Depositary Interest represents an entitlement to one TUI share. hxxps://www.tuigroup .com/en-en/investors /FAQ/Share

How much does it cost to buy Tui shares?

You can currently buy TUI AG shares for approximately 123.45 per share. The 'Bid' price is what you pay to buy a share, the 'Ask' is the price a seller 'offers' to buy shares at. The 'Spread' is the difference between the buy and sell prices.

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